Friday, March 29, 2019

French Toast

Stuffed French Toast with Strawberries and Banana

Rich and tender egg bread is filled with fresh fruit, then dipped in an orange-scented egg custard to create a brunch dish that’s sure to make every guest feel special and ultra-spoiled.


  • 4slices day-old egg bread (1-inch/2.5cm thick slices)
  • 1/2 cup(125 mL)sliced strawberries
  • 1large ripe banana, sliced
  • 2 tbsp(30 mL)granulated sugar, divided
  • 1/2 tsp(2.5 mL)ground cinnamon
  • 3eggs, beaten
  • 3/4 cup(175 mL)milk
  • 1 tsp(5 mL)vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp(2.5 mL)finely grated orange zest
  • Pinch salt
  • 2 tbsp(30 mL)butter
  • 1 tbsp(15 mL)icing sugar
  • 1/4 cup(60 mL)maple syrup


  1. Insert small serrated knife horizontally into side of 1 piece of bread; cut along the length to make pocket, without cutting all the way through. Repeat with remaining slices. Toss together strawberries, banana, 1 tbsp (15 mL) sugar, and cinnamon; stuff evenly into pocket of each slice of bread. In shallow bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, remaining sugar, vanilla, orange zest and salt; dip each slice of bread into egg mixture for 15 to 20 seconds or until well saturated. Melt butter in large nonstick skillet over medium heat; cook French toast, flipping once, for 7 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. Dust with icing sugar. Serve with maple syrup

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Jollof - The Ghana Style

Jollof - The Ghana Style
Jollof rice or just jollof also called Benachin is a one-pot dish popular in many west African countries. 
Preparing jollof rice the Ghanian way should not be a difficult task. The uniquely colored rice is often eaten at dinner time and served at various public functions. Find below the steps to preparing jollof rice the Ghanaian way

Steps To Follow:
  • Prepare chicken, wash and pat dry.
    Add salt to season
    Blend some onion,ginger, garlic and pepper
    Add to the chicken, add chicken season if you want.
    Steam the chicken for about 8-10 min.
  • Blend plump tomatoes, with some onion and pepper depending on how spicy you want your Jollof rice.
    Slice the remaining onions into medium sizes.
  • Start making the stew or gravy by frying the sliced onions in about 3 table spoons of veggie oil and allow to cook for about 2 mins
    Add 4 tablespoons of tomato puree and keep stirring for about 8 min till it is reduced.
    Add the blended tomato mixture and allow to cook and reduce for about 10 more minutes, Stirring intermittently.
  • When the steamed chicken is ready, strain out the stock and allow to cool.
    Deep fry chicken for the golden brown crusty finish.
    Put the fried chicken  aside.
  • Add the stock to the stew and allow to cook for about 5 minutes
    Add your chicken to the stew (optional as chicken can be served separately when the Jollof rice is done).
    Add the mixed veggies and cook for a couple of minutes (scoop some stew out if preferred to be served with Jollof rice later).
    Add the rice and reduce the heat to very low. Cover the rice with kitchen foil and allow the food to steam through.
  • Check and keep stirring intermittently till rice is cooked through, about 20 min.
  • Scoop some of the rice in a small bowl and press to form a nice mould, turn into your serving plate. Add your chicken to the Jollof rice. Can be served with up to four people with either salad, gravy etc.
Enjoy your sumptuous Jollof rice with your family or friends!

Three - Ingredient Dessert

We all have those days. You know THOSE days, when you desperately need a sweet treat to comfort you but even five-ingredient recipes feel like too much effort. When life just smacks you right in the face, you need a homemade dessert that’s just as easy as it is comforting. And now you can quickly find one using our extensive list of simple, 3-ingredient dessert recipes. Just tap on the video and get right into it. Thank me later!

Uploaded by: Tasty
Posted: 29 Nov 2017

Must love Tacos!


In Mexico, tacos are simply a wrapper, usually corn but sometimes a flour tortilla, wrapped around small bits of food, often meats, topped with fresh onion, cilantro and a little sauce. In the U.S. a taco is more likely a u-shaped corn tortilla (sometimes pre-baked) filled with ground meat, lettuce, cheese, topped with some sort of sauce. No matter how you define this dish, tacos have made their way into main stream American cuisine.

Historically the taco is as old as the tortilla which dates back to the Aztecs.  The name "taco" was the Mexican-Spanish term that translates literally to "plug or wadding".  Although the actual definition of the culinary term is unknown it is thought the reference is to a rolled tortilla being filled or plugged with food. It is popularly believed that taco came from the word ataco or atacar, which means stuff--and stuff they have."

I grew alot of love for the  "American" style beef tacos, when they hand fried the tortillas in a frying pan in about a 1/4" of oil. Drained them on paper towels. Pan fried ground beef with garlic and a little salt and pepper.  The standard condiments were

Shredded lettuce
Chopped, fresh tomatoes
Chopped yellow onion
Grated sharp cheddar cheese
Victoria's hot taco sauce

Taco tongs, taco holders, tortilla baskets among other tools are used in making a great taco. Apart from beef, tacos can also be made with fish, chicken, tacos vegetarianos and tequila lime chicken. 

Fun Fact about Tacos!
The world's record for eating the most tacos (130) in 10 minutes is held by Takeru Kobayashi at Gringo Bandito Taco Challenge on September 1, 2014

So whether you're in your home country or country of residence, eat some tacos ( for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack). 

Music - Kobby Salm

"Music is food for the soul." An old adage attributed to how important music is in the lives of individuals. Whether gospel,hip hop,high life, rhythm and blues( a personal favorite) or country, each genre appeals to the soul according to one's preference .Urban gospel, one of the many genres that have long been buried by our ancestors is fast catching up in the industry. The likes of kobbySalm, kingzkid, Preachers and other urban gospel artistes are seen making the news in our current generation. Amongst these artists is kobbySalm. 

KobbySalm was born on May 14th in Accra and studied communications in the African University of Communication College.
Born to a family of four with him inclusive, is surrounded by three ladies and a lot of love.
Mainly he’s a Christian rap artist. Salm’s interest explores cross-genre interfaces between soul music and hip-hop. He has 
participated in his youth and early career in one of the above-mentioned genres as a solo artist.
Furthermore gathering and winning of souls are a major focus in his work.

He released his first single as a Christian Artist in the year 2015, after he'd been unprofessionally doing secular music since high school time.
As one of the best Ghanaian Christian Rap Artist In Ghana, KobbySalm has been nominated for Best Gospel Music Video In the prestigious 4syte Music Video Awards in Ghana.
Talk Of Collaborations, he has collaborated with  some Top Artist In Africa Such As Adomaa, Gifty Osei , Nkay , kingzkid etc.

Aside rapping, Kobby loves playing video games, chatting and sleeping- would love to venture into music management if he wasn't doing rap music and as such begun an initiative which is geared towards improving and developing talents of young artists by name “The Guess Who It Is Family.”

While looking forward to releasing his latest album “In The Midst of Comfort,” Kobby has also got his own business running, that is to say portraying some entrepreneurial skills.

 His love for music and the work of God is outstanding.

God is a masterpiece!

God Is A Masterpiece

Without question, man is God’s greatest creation. Man is His crowning achievement. In fact, we read in Ephesians 2:10 that “we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (nkjv).

But have you stopped to think for a second that God himself is a master piece?

God is a masterpiece
But he's not a piece of art
He's just full of mysteries
A painting that caught my heart
Try throwing darts at that art
You will end up in the dark

Dark,black pits of hell
With frustration and regrets
In your face like a swell
Like Peter,you beat your body
Only to realise that there's nobody
Next life? Live godly!

Godly! Holy! What's that?
Don't ask me, I'm not that
Its that masterpiece of art
You threw darts at that ended
You in the dark, he's that!
God is the art!

He's the master of the piece of art
God is a masterpiece!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Grills - Good or Bad?

The Grills - Good or Bad?

The science of eating is a complicated thing, even if you're going by the simplest recipe.So, understandably, science is pretty waffley when it comes to answering questions like "Is Wine Good for You?" or "Is Chocolate Good for You?" But how about one of the most ancient cooking methods out there? What does science have to say about grilling?

All That Char

On the most basic level, the smoky flavor and the char that you get from a well-grilled steak is not particularly good for you. When fat from the cooking meat drips down on the hot coals, the smoke that forms contains stuff called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). And the charred exterior of the meat (or inside, if you like things extremely well-done) is chock full of something called heterocyclic amines (HCA).

Both of these have been linked in studies, like one conducted by the National Cancer Institute in 1999, to higher rates of colorectal cancers, and both chemicals have been added to the DOH's official list of carcinogens (PAH all the way back in 1981, HCA in 2005). In 2009, another study found that people who preferred their steaks "very well done" were 60 percent more likely to get pancreatic cancer than those who liked them bloody (or didn't eat steak at all), and both compounds have been found to cause tumors in mice (and might cause even more tumors in humans, since mice process the chemicals differently).

Not great news. But hey, this is science! So there are, of course, a bunch of caveats. First off, no one has determined in what quantity these chemicals become carcinogenic, and as with most things, eating in moderation isn't all that bad for you. More specifically, you can cut way, way down on the HCA action by not charring your meat (or just cutting off the charred parts) and cut the PAH by avoiding flareups, which happen when the drippings hit the heat source. Some studies recommend microwaving your meat for 30 to 90 seconds before you pop it on the grill to make it less drippy, but since that seems somehow abhorrent to the whole idea of grilling, you can also just throw some tin foil under the meat to catch the juice, or use a two-zone cooking system on a charcoal grill to make sure you're grilling over indirect heat.

Amazingly, science has found that another way to cut way down on these carcinogens found in grilled meat is to douse your meat in delicious things--i.e., to marinate it. It's as if study after study found that cigarettes weren't actually bad for you, as long as they were menthols!

Marinating meat in either an Indian garlic-turmeric marinade or a Hawaiian teriyaki marina, even for just an hour before cooking, significantly reduced how many bad chemicals were created. In that instance the marinade's magic powers to the moisture it added, which prevented charring and makes the surface of the meat less sticky for PAH-filled smoke.

This means that methods like boiling, baking, and slow-cooking (including barbecue, as long as you don't include a grilling stage in your 'cue regimen) are relatively carcinogen-free, compared to grilling and frying. But keep in mind: these compounds are just one factor in the whole complicated web of how what your eating impacts your health. As with anything, the best way to go is moderation--though if you're a die-hard char addict, it might be wise to adapt your palate to the pleasures of the medium-rare.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Why Vegetables?

  • Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, and variety is as important as quantity.
  • No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. Eat plenty every day.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check. Eating non-starchy vegetables and fruits like apples, pears, and green leafy vegetables may even promote weight loss. Their low glycemic loads prevent blood sugar spikes that can increase hunger.
At least nine different families of fruits and vegetables exist, each with potentially hundreds of different plant compounds that are beneficial to health. Eat a variety of types and colors of produce in order to give your body the mix of nutrients it needs. This not only ensures a greater diversity of beneficial plant chemicals but also creates eye-appealing meals.

Indigenous Ghanaian Dishes

The Ghanaian culture would not be thoroughly discussed without a look into the sumptuous local delicacies that have for ages satisfied and placed smiles on the faces of families and tourists. 

Strongly linked to the Ghanaian indigenous dishes is ethnicity.
Various tribes have meals that originates and has ties to them.
Let's dive deeper, Enjoy!

Akple and Abobi

Akple (lower) and borbi tadi

Akple is a Ghanaian dish indigenous to the Ewe tribe of the Volta Region. Akple is whitish grey in color and mostly rolled into spherical ball, varying in diameter for the person whom the akple is going to be served to. The main ingredients for preparation are corn flour, cassava dough, salt and water. Apart from the usual okra soup, this dish can also be taken with abobi also known as “keta school boys” ( anchovies).


Aprapransa is a local dish of the people from the Eastern Region of Ghana. It is basically made from roasted corn flour, cooked beans together with other ingredients. It's a food that is served on special occasions and is feared to go extinct.


2 cups heaped roasted corn flour
1 serving spoonful palm oil
2 medium-sized tomatoes
1 medium-sized onion
1 small piece smoked fish
Salted fish/momoni (optional)
½ cup of beans (optional)
Pepper and salt to taste
Crabs (optional)
Wash and boil beans until tender and set aside
Put palm oil on fire
Add sliced onion to fry till brown
Add momoni and allow to fry for 5 minutes
Add ground pepper and tomato and then fish
Allow to cook whilst stirring occasionally
Add water, cover and allow to boil
Add boiled beans
Add the roasted corn flour and stir till well cooked
serve hot, garnish with cooked crabs (see picture)

Ampesi also called Abom by the Ashanti is a traditional meal in Ghana and it’s prepared with boiled yam, plantain cocoyam, cassava or mixture of these and stew, thick groundnut or palm-nut soup. This dish contains essential nutrients that helps the body to grow and fight diseases.
Turkey berries
Palm oil
Koobi(salted tilapia)
Wash the vegetables(pepper,turkey berries, tomatoes(momoni), Kontomire) and boil
Peel the yam or plantain, wash it and boil (add salt)
Boil the eggs
Make sure the vegetables are well cooked, grind the onion in an earthenware bowl
Add the pepper, turkey berries,tomatoes and Kontomire and grind it (don’t grind all at once, grind the onion, pepper,turkey berries then the tomatoes and add the Kontomire)
Add salt to taste.
Wash the koobi and boil
Wash the salmon and remove the skin, break it into the stew in the earthenware bowl
Heat the palm oil and add chopped onions and pour it in the earthenware bowl and stir
Add the koobi and boiled eggs and garnish it with pear and nicely chopped onions.
Serve with the boiled yam/plantain or ripe plantain.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Vegetables Much?

Gato & Co puddings (that use vegetables to reduce refined sugar content) and Dr Oetker’s new Yes, It’s Pizza vegetable-dough bases are indicative of how many people are keen to cut down on carbs and increase their intake of vegetables – but without forgoing life’s indulgences. You can expect to see more hidden vegetable products. 
Question is? Are we really consistent with the intake of vegetables or do we only find ourselves consuming much after a doctor's appointment! Guilty as charged .

The Arts

This article is about the general concept of art. For the group of creative disciplines, see  The arts . For other uses, see  Art (disamb...